Kindergarten Self-Portraits

Kindergarten students began this art unit by reading The Colors of Us by Karen Katz. Like the main character in the story, students learned how to mix different paint colors to match their own skin and hair. Students used their painted papers to create these self-portrait collages.

Los estudiantes de kindergarten comenzaron esta unidad de arte leyendo “Los Colores de Nosotros” por Karen Katz. Como la niƱa en el libro, los estudiantes aprendieron a mezclar diferentes colores de pintura para igualar con su piel y pelo. Los estudiantes usaron sus papeles pintados para crear estos collages de autorretrato.

This collage unit is broken down into several classes/days:
Day 1: We will use secondary colors to paint a background for a self-portrait.
Day 2
We will mix different paint colors to match our skin. Read "All the Colors We Are/Todos los Colores de Nuestra Piel" by Katie Kissinger and then guide students through the following questions:

Then, like the main character in the story, students learn how to mix different paint colors to match their own skin. They then paint an entire paper to match their skin color.
Day 3
: We will mix different paint colors to match our hair.
Students watch the animated short “Hair Love” and discuss how our hair can be different colors, textures, and styles. Students mix paint to match their hair color.
Day 4: We will begin collaging our self-portrait.
Students read & discuss “The Skin You Live In” before collaging skin and hair onto background.
Day 5: We will learn how to draw texture in our hair and continue collaging our self-portrait.
Students read “I love My Hair!” and discuss how hair can be different colors, textures, and hair. They then use oil pastels to add lines to represent texture in their hair (straight, wavy, curly, etc.)
Day 6: We will learn how to use shapes to draw our facial features.
Students use a mirror to draw their eyes and mouth on a separate sheet of paper.

Day 7: We will use lines to finish the face on our self-portrait collage.
Students cut out and glue their eyes and mouth. They then use crayons to draw their nose and eyebrows.

Day 8: We will use patterns to finish our self-portrait collage.
Students add their body to their self-portraits. They then used papers to create a pattern onto their shirt. Students add and refine any final details before signing their work. 

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